The virtual data room that outperforms on priceease of useanalyticssupportprice

DealVDR is a secure and cost-effective virtual data room for M&A, due diligence, investor reporting and asset sales. It’s backed by industry leading analytics, fanatical 24x7 support and a 20% savings guarantee*

Hundreds of leading corporations switched to DealVDR
The switch is easy. We understand your process and operate at a higher standard than legacy providers.
Execute with confidence on DealVDR
DealVDR is easier to set up and manage with all the functionality you need to get your files and users into and out of the data room as quickly and securely as possible.
Instantly provision new data rooms
Upload via folder drag & drop
Question and answer (Q&A) module
Exportable file, user, and permission lists
Upload via email
Upload via mobile
Upload via SFTP
Upload via automated recorded telephone line
Automatic additional storage provisioning
Feature image
DealVDR Q&A’s list of open questions
Real, unsolicited feedback
We don't ask for testimonials. Below is unsolicited feedback we received in writing from clients.
Goldman Sachs
“Thank you so much. Never had better service in my life. Thank you again!”
“Thank you so much for all of your help with this transaction! We loved working with you and look forward to working together in following deals. Thank you again!"
“Your team is always the best! I will never forget my Saturday morning fiasco when they completely saved me!”
Goldman Sachs
“I’m not just saying this but your customer service is some of the best I’ve ever seen in any space. We greatly value your teams responsiveness and the product you deliver.”
Ready to learn more?
We guarantee you and your stakeholders will have a great experience with DealVDR.

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